Cellphones for Everyone

When I started this blog, I pledged that I would not get caught up in politics, but I lied. Recently, I’ve been pushed to an extreme where I have been forced  to vent. With these morons on both sides of our political theatre running our great country into the ground, one would think that I would have reneged on my promise long ago, however, from what I just read, I no longer can keep silent.

I was NOT ok with a “sanctuary city” as I have a hard time protecting criminals whether they are here illegally or just felons. Either way, they belong incarcerated and are a danger to our country. It does not matter what the infraction is. If you break the law, you pay. Nor was I ok with outlawing plastic straws, as our politicians can accept the fact that we dump carcinogens, poisons, garbage, tires etc into our waters, but they draw the line on plastic straws!!!! I cant wait to have my next cup of piping hot soup with my paper spoon. How about paying for plastic bags? Does anyone have a problem with that? I am as environmental as the next person, so if you have a problem with plastic bags, then outlaw them, don’t charge us 5 cents and insult our intelligence. We should not be given the option.  I for one still use them to clean up after my dog.  By the way,  Where is that money going?

But none of these issues or a combination of them have put me over until now. Yesterday I read, that the same State, which shall remain nameless, also responsible for the above 3 items, have come up with yet another. TAXING TEXTING. Yes, if you live in this state, if passed, you will be taxed for texting on your phone. Where is the tax money going you ask? The money will be used to furnish the underprivileged with brand new cell phones. Don’t get me wrong, as I am all for helping the poor and at risk of sounding self promoting, we have done our share in making financial and material contributions over the years to the needy. But enough is enough. What will be next, every time I step on the brake in my car, will I get taxed so the money can go to supplying the needy with cars. How about being taxed for sending out emails.this way the needy can have brand new I Pads. After all, how can they live without these non necessities.  Stop the madness.


Government Shutdown

