Has anyone noticed that everywhere you go, someone is asking for a tip? Not sure if you are aware of the acronym T.I.P.S. It stands for To Insure Perfect Service. Can you remember the last time you’ve experienced perfect service? Well- Fedsfedup
The other day we had a wonderful family holiday luncheon. My nephew trying to decide on what to order, inquired about the duck. The waiter replied ” the duck is excellent, however, I never had it but it sure does smell good” Now if that is not worthy of a tip, not sure what is. Tip that man
Recently went into Dunkin Donuts- ordered a small coffee with half and half. The server looked at me like I had a booger on my nose. Fortunately for me, another server was listiening and she told him that I wanted cream. No , I really wanted half and half but who am I to complain. The bill came out to $2.32, so I gave the server a $5 bill plus $.32 cents, obviously expecting $3.00 back to avoid a handful of change. Once again the look of bafflement (if there is such a word) appeared on his face. I received $2.00 and 4 quarters. I asked him if I could get a dollar bill for the 4 quarters and he told me he was not allowed to open the register unless there was a transaction being made. As I scratched my head, I looked down and there it was, THE TIP JAR. Sorry no tip for you. BTW, after retrieving my coffee, I found that it was a medium coffee and black. Tip that man.
Have you ever tried NOT tipping your baggage carrier at the airport. Try it sometime, and let me know what country your luggage ends up.
My recent trip to TCBY was interesting. Why is it necessary to tip when you are in a self serve ice cream parlor. I actually get my own cup, choose my flavors, select from over hundreds of condiments and place it on a scale, where I am overcharged $20 for one cup of yogurt. But there it is, THE TIP JAR. Are we tipping the server for taking my money. Are they doing is with such flare that you feel the need to tip them. Did they put the cover on correctly. Was the handling of the spoon done to perfection? TIP that man
Finally, we recently had a lovely evening in the city, show, restaurant and stay over. We pull up to the hotel, where we are immediately greeted by someone that opens up my car door. I get out and boom $5.00 tip. Another gentlemen welcomes us to the hotel and proceeds to take our small luggage out of the trunk and BOOM, another $5.00 for him. He brings the luggage to the door when my luggage is greeted by a gentlemen who opens the hotel door for us, brings the luggage to front desk and BOOM another $5.00. After being charged $65 for the parking, he asks me if we will need assistance with our luggage to the room and I told him that I had no money left. BOOM Bellhops scatter. FEDSFEDUP