Toilet Training
It’s not my intention to share with you my experiences with bathroom issues, however, lately I have noticed very odd things going on in public toilets. First off, can someone help me with deciphering which bathroom i am suppose to use. This is a sign on a bathroom door. The only thing that is missing is a picture of a dog and cat. After all, aren’t they people too. Shouldn’t they have the right to pee along side of us. How about a chimpanzee. Aren’t we all descendants of monkeys. Don’t they have rights too.
In this next picture, you can see my confusion. This is an actual picture of a bathroom I used at a restaurant in , you guessed it, New York City. I am not quite sure if this new technology is used for all genders giving them the ability to use a seat, or stand and aim, or is it their version of a convertible toilet. Perhaps its a toilet for very heavy people who can not fit on the seat.
Finally, perhaps someone can help me with this sign that was strategically placed above the toilet: What exactly does it mean. Where would one flush their movements if only toilet paper is permitted to go into this bowl. Is there another toilet bowl where bodily fluids go? And then you put the paper in this one? And what really gets me is that its signed by the “management” Could you imagine that board meeting? Was the toilet dilemma discussed before or after they chose the specials for the day? I await your comments on these issues, but in the meantime, I will do the most obvious thing, Hold It In.