Fedsfedup 19 Reasons I Hate COVID19
I decided to jot down some things that are frustrating me, even more than the fear of catching the dreaded virus, or losing money every day in the market, or being ripped off by our government, so here is my list list. Feel free to add to this list, as I am sure you all have your own personal frustrations:
1) Do you cringe when you are talking to someone on the phone and they cough or sneeze? I don’t think Doctors can actually prove it, but I am pretty sure you can’t catch it over the phone. But yet I move the phone away from my face nonetheless.
2) It always amazes me how quick topical jokes surface during stressful times. Most are pretty funny, but don’t you hate it when you receive the same joke from about 20 different people, and feel obligated to answer with “LOL” and then you get the urge to forward that joke accidentally to the same person who sent it to you in first place
3) How about when you are cooped up in the house and you and your loved one decide to take a walk. Seems harmless enough until you turn the corner and see the dreaded “enemy couple” coming your way. How dare they be out and walking on your street. Can’t they follow the rules about social distancing? What’s wrong with people? Go back inside where you belong.
4) Anxiously awaiting an Amazon package. Your only connection to the outside world. It finally comes but now you have to stare at the package because the “doctors” say you have to let bags and packages sit outside for 48 hours before you can touch it. Lets hope its not ice cream.
5) Does it piss anyone off that we have to wait 5 days to get test results, but the Hollywood elite get results within hours of taking the test? After all, it is imperative that they stay healthy so they can voice their meaningless opinions and make shitty movies
6) Have you recently been in the position when you have just about enough hand sanitizer remaining in the bottle for one more cleaning? How do you decide when that final cleaning is appropriate knowing that there is no more to be had until you get home. Decisions, Decisions
7) Extremely upset that there is no more free cheese samples at Uncle Giuseppe’s. Big issue
8) Looking at the mirror every day is no simple chore. I am starting to look like ZZ Top. My nose hairs, ear hairs, chest hairs and beard are taking over my body
9) How frustrating is it that gas prices are so cheap and you cannot use your car because there is nowhere to drive to. It’s like being on a diet and going to a buffet
10) In my boredom, I tried to clean out my closet. It took me an hour and found that I threw nothing out. I just moved my short sleeve shirts so they are reachable in anticipation of the spring, which does not seem to want to come. You never know when that college shirt you wore in 1979 will be back in style anyway.
11) I find myself looking at everything now and if it’s made in China, I throw it out.
12) I appreciate the whole glove and mask thing, but does anyone have a problem with the moron that wipes his nose while he is wearing gloves.
13) Is Social Distancing a good excuse for not seeing your in-laws? (may not be such a bad thing after all)
14) Has anyone checked their credit card lately and noticed that your gym continues to charge you a monthly fee even though they are not open. WTF
15) Have you tried to get your money back from an airline that cancelled your flight? Good luck to that
16) Frustrates me that people like my daughter are out there fighting the fight, helping the elderly on a daily basis, not complaining, and risking their lives while people like me complain about silly things that are on this list
17) How many times have you called someone just to say hello, and an hour and half later, you are still on the phone. Can you say lonely!!!
18) When was the last time you had a conversation that did not have the word Virus in it?
19) Finally, can someone tell the youth of today that just because they remain six feet apart, they still can not share a joint with a friend.
Bonus : Our politicians, in their infinite wisdom are granting our prisons to release criminals because the virus is rampant on the inside I get it. So being that they all are exposed to the virus because of the tight quarters they live in, we are going to free them so they can share their virus with the innocent public while they rob us.
Double Bonus: The latest dictate from our government leaders is to cover our faces with various products like scarves, masks etc. for our own safety as well as our fellow man/women. Do you think it is necessary for them to warn the public that plastic bags are not advisable?